Triumph Over Untrustworthy Respondents 

Ensure your insights, conclusions, and decisions are based on accurate information. Qsponse automatically weeds out fraudulent and unqualified survey respondents before they distort your data.  

The High Cost of Poor Data Quality 

When data drives every decision, the quality of that data is critical. However, low-quality, unqualified, and fraudulent respondents put you and your organization at risk. When the validity and usefulness of your survey results are compromised, you can end up with the following: 

  • Incorrect conclusions 
  • Flawed recommendations 
  • Misguided business decisions 
  • Additional research and analysis 
  • Professional embarrassment 
Worried young businessperson
Team of business professionals

Qsponse to the Rescue

Qsponse ensures that unwanted respondents don’t distort your survey data. We combine human expertise, automated checks, and artificial intelligence to identify suspicious activity at the onset of the survey and while the results are recorded.  

That means your organization gets the highest caliber of data, and you get peace of mind.  

What Qsponse Does for You 

We know how important data quality is for you – after all, it’s your reputation at stake. But we also know cleaning data manually is difficult, time-consuming, and prone to errors. 

We’ve designed Qsponse to do all the hard work for you automatically. It will find respondents who – deliberately or unintentionally – are not providing reliable information.

Effortless Yet Powerful

Qsponse services and technology are integrated directly into IncQuery, so there’s nothing you need to learn or do to take advantage of our advanced data quality controls. 

Qsponse differs from other quality control solutions because it combines our proprietary methodology, expert human oversight, and advanced technology. That makes it significantly more powerful than other solutions using only algorithms or response scoring. 

Businesswoman relaxing and looking at her laptop

Next Steps

If you’re using IncQuery now, you’re already getting all the benefits of Qsponse. You don’t have to activate it, and there is no added cost. 

If you’re not an IncQuery user, Qsponse is one of many reasons to switch to the leading programming provider for quantitative surveys for primary research. Here’s what makes us different from other programming providers: 

  • Real-time programming
  • Robust collaboration
  • Multi-panel support
  • Integrated analytics
  • Clear pricing
Businesspeople walking up a flight of stairs